Sunday, October 4, 2020

Month 2 Week 2: The Enlightenment due 10/9


The Enlightenment


Watch the following video about the Enlightenment.

Practice what you learned on Quizlet

Post your final Quizlet score.

Want more input, then read  "Foundations of American Government"

Respond to the following questions. 

Post your responses.


  1. What score did you earn on the Quizlet quiz?
  2. What was the significance of the Enlightenment and how did it impact the formation of the American government?
  3. Describe "natural rights."
  4. According to the Enlightenment philosopher John Locke, if a government doesn't protect people's "natural rights," then what do the people have a right to?
  5. What did Voltaire add to the Enlightenment movement.
  6. In your opinion which philosopher's ideas are needed in government? 
  7. Post your answers. 


At October 5, 2020 at 2:52 PM , Anonymous Amie Kinoshita said...

1. I got a 100% on the Quizlet test.
2. The enlightenment introduced new ways of thinking and governing that challenged the concept of a monarch with complete control. These ideas helped form an American government that will protect the people’s natural rights, keep the church and government separate, and include a separation of powers.
3. The enlightenment thinker, John Locke, described a government that protects the natural rights of its people. These natural rights included life, liberty and property. If any of these rights are violated, the government has an obligation to repossess their natural rights.
4. If the government does not protect the people’s natural rights, the people have a right to overthrow the government and create a new government that will protect their rights.
5. Voltaire believed in the separation of church and state. Many times, absolute monarchs would force their beliefs onto the people, taking away their freedom of religion. Voltaire believed it was important to keep religion out of the government, by removing the power of enforcing one religion from the government, the people would gain the right to believe in anything they wanted. Thus forming the freedom of religion for the people.
6. In my opinion, the ideas of Montesquieu are necessary in a government. By having a separation of powers, it ensures that no one branch or person is more powerful than another. By keeping the power balanced between multiple branches, the problems of an absolute monarchy are less likely to arise.

At October 8, 2020 at 5:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

2.The significance of the Enlightenment was that the way people thought changed. Through the Enlightenment people began to believe that logic and reason should be used to explain the world. The Enlightenment impacted the formation of the American government because we implemented many of the political ideas of the Enlightened thinkers in Europe.
3.Natural Rights are described by John Locke and are life, liberty, and property
4.John Locke believed that if a government does not protect that natural rights of their citizens that the citizens have a right to overthrow the government.
5.Voltaire added that there should be a separation between church and state.
6.In my opinion the ideas of Voltaire are needed in government. The separation of church and state did not mean that there should not be any religion in government but that the leader of the church should not be the leader of the government. Increasing the divide would improve religious tolerance for all people because the government would be run separately from the church. He also believed in freedom of speech to criticize the government and freedom of religion.

At October 8, 2020 at 5:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amie, I also agree that Montesquieu's ideas are needed in government. The separation of power between the 3 branches of government is needed so that one person cannot take over and try to rule the whole government.

At October 15, 2020 at 7:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. 100%
2. The significance of the Enlightenment was that it changed how people perceived the world. Before they just thought that Kings ruler over the people and they were always right. But this new idea that the king was not always right helped them push for more equality and later influenced the Revolutionary War.
3.¨Natural rights¨ are rights that everyone should have since the time they were born. John Locke describes them as life, liberty, and property.
4.According to John Locke if the government does not protect your ¨natural rights¨ then the people have the right to overthrown the government.
5. Voltaire added that the church and the state should be separated.
6. I think Montesquieu ideas are needed in government. The power should not be all in one place. Having 3 branches distributes the power is fair so that no one can have all the power.

At October 15, 2020 at 8:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan, I also agree with what you said about Voltaire. The church and the state should be separate so that religion is not the main thing that is leading the government.

At October 23, 2020 at 11:14 PM , Anonymous Yixuan Wang said...

1. 100%
2. The significance of the Enlightenment was that it changed people's perspective of the world. Due to a lot of science developments, people then become more open to new ideas. It allows people to rethink about current situations and in some way promoted revolution.
3.Natural rights are rights that people are born with John Locke believes them to be "life, liberty, and property."
4.According to John Locke if the government does not protect your natural rights, the people have the right to overthrown the government.
5. Voltaire added the idea of the separation of church and state.
6. I think Montesquieu's ideas are most needed by the government. While realizing people's natural rights and separating religion from politics is important, it is realistically detailed to encourage the separation of powers. By separating powers, we can make sure that no one take too much and at our best promoting democracy.

At November 13, 2020 at 10:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. 100%
2. The Enlightenment changed people's perspective of the world and government, and brought about new ideas relating to how governments should be run. The ideas of the Enlightenment greatly impacted the formation of American government, as many of the principles that America was founded on were based on Enlightenment ideas.
3. Natural rights are rights that everyone is born with. John Locke believed that our natural rights are life, liberty, and property.
4. John Locke believed that if a government does not protect people's natural rights, the people have a right to overthrow that government and make a new government.
5. Voltaire added the concept of a separation between church and state.
6. In my opinion, the ideas of John Locke are the most needed in government. The respect and protection of people's natural rights by the government is essential, and if the government fails to protect those natural rights, the people should have a right to overthrow that government and create one that will protect their natural rights.


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